Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Painful Failure of Abraham Lincoln

Posted on 10:23 AM by Moch Zakie A

Have you failed before?, This question often hear .. but what the shape of your failure?, how many failures you?. If you have a power outage that hurts so much and try to see the failure of Abraham Lincoln and lessons .

Bankruptcy in 1831 in an attempt
In 1832, defeated in local elections
In 1833 again suffered bankruptcy
In 1835 his wife died
In 1836 he suffered mental problems for which he was hospitalized nearly
1837 defeat in a speech contest
In 1840, failed in the election of members of the United States Senate
Defeat in 1842, sitting in the United States Congress
He lost again in 1848 in the United States Congress
Tahun1855 failed again in the United States Senate
Tahun1856 lose the election for the post occupied the Vice-President of the United States
In 1858, again lost in the Senate
In 1860, finally won the presidency of the United States

The funny thing is ... the time of Abraham Lincoln for president, said: "It turns out, now I just found out that I was destined for the presidency." Why do you say in order to see the struggle continues -? The channel does not when run in different ways, eh .. opportunity to succeed to the candidate presidency hahha ... But the lesson we can do is to give the soul does not make it big, not tenure.

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