Saturday, October 23, 2010

U.S. press in Iraq attacks

Posted on 3:35 PM by Moch Zakie A

U.S. forces launched a satellite-guided missiles in the direction of "guerrilla camp" about 25 km west of Kirkuk, for the first time since major fighting ended.

The military operation dubbed Operation Ivy Cyclone Two led to the rebellion in the north of central Baghdad.

Lt. Col. Bill MacDonald, a spokesman for the headquarters of the Fourth Infantry Division in Tikrit, said the operation was a "more aggressive" in the area.

"We want to show that we have the ability to launch operations simultaneously over large areas," he said.

U.S. forces changed tactics in response to a series of attacks against coalition troops - and losses - since President Bush declared major combat ended in Iraq from May 1

Many Iraqis also were killed. Current estimates put the number killed since May, more than 200 people.

Lieutenant Colonel McDonald said the rocket launched a 250 kg warhead missile launch vehicle in northern Baghdad on Sunday.

Heavy fighting

He said the rocket landed in the guerrilla training center on an island west of Kirkuk Little Zab River.

"This is the first time you use that kind of ammunition, since the major fighting is over," he told reporters.

Head of the Interim Government of Iraq, Paul Bremer in a series of television interviews, he said, no doubt the United States a "tough battle" in Iraq is facing.

"We face enemies are desperate. In particular, the international terrorists who entered Iraq for fifty-four and six months," he said in an interview with Fox TV said.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military rushed to the ruins of two Black Hawk helicopters in the study of Mosul, northern Iraq.

Witnesses said a helicopter was hit by ground fire and then collided with another helicopter.

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